I need mire plunder help!!

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by *coocoo (03), Sep 10, 2011.

  1. What would be a good build to really increase plunder if I only have 36 lands, 35 lands if you don't count the castle
  2. Re: I need mire plunder help!

    Guilds are amazing for plunder but not SOS also war cathedrals and other defensive buildings give 5% ally bonus.
  3. Summoning circles have highest T3 plunder bonus:)
  4. You need the castle code
  5. Sos are great once you have over 20
  6. If I have 33 lvl 3 forges and 2 lvl 3 cursed foundrys(idk how to spell it) what buildings would increase my plumes if I added onto what I already have. I would love to hear some answers!! :D
  7. 33 cursed foundarys sorry
  8. Again, guilds