I need help

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by kyletbow, Dec 2, 2012.

  1. Hello my name is Kyle Tbow and I own the clan called PWAG Nation and I need your help over the past two day my clan is just falling down to nothing, yes I did somthing stupid and made some random kid admin, and yes he did destroy my clan so please come and help me I want to do back to back origins or haunting do plz join it would make me feel happy
    Thanks - kyletbow
  2. Nice clan ad ^
  3. Not really for forums... And your fault for giving him admin. Fix it
  4. Who did it anyway?
  5. I left because I knew it would take a long time to gain the members back :'(
  6. Whose the kids name
  7. Its pretty much your own fault there buddu
  8. atleast u learned ur lesson
  9. What's the kids name I want to farm him
  10. Op, request lockOr else this will be a troll city!
  11. B2B Hauntings? Are you even big enough to hit the haunting?
  12. U even lift bra? ^
  13. Not only should you pay for your ignorance, but your status message stops me fro feeling any sympathy.
  14. Yah! You couldn't attack haunts without pots, and all your other clan mates are smaller than you. I'm not saying I'm big, or don't use pots, but you smaller clan mates would lose money unless only hitting items
  15. OP, I've got more chance of being able to hit haunts with troops, and I'm a pure spy.