I need HELP! HOG again stripped me bcoz of -destructive-

Discussion in 'Wars' started by IlIIpsychedeIicIlIlshamanllIIl, Sep 3, 2014.

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  1. This is disgusting 3rd success strip by them and I wasn't hit anybody in clan only -destructive- it's a PVP but they ganged up on me. This thing between us happened bfore -destructive- join to them and Heart of gold and heart of madness stripping me for fun!? Who the **** you are?
  2. Fight your own fight noob
  3. Don't makes a CF and then completely disregard it. That's just silly. Anyways, couldn't this have gone on your other thread?
  4. Wasnt you the same guy crying for help in other posts? 1v1 went out the window when you asked for outside help.
  5. You opened up my clan member in forums.

    You asked for this. He never had to.
    Toodles. Enjoy what you brought yourself
  6. Destructive has been perm there several weeks now, from the other thread i can guess your clan is hitting him. This is fair game for them to help, you could have simply followed through with paying cf. Its disgusting you cant keep your word

    I do not represent hog, this is simply my opinion
  7. "Cod" this time I will send letter to ata and apply for their clan disband and band -destructive- out of game.
  8. lolwut
  9. He is joined to Heart of Gold on a 3rd-4th day he was all ready farming me. I was farming him back only....
  10. considering what i have seen of you in the forums, i feel like they stripped you because of you.
  11. No, he joined at least 2 months ago.
  12. I find it funny that you think farming is against rules our something.
  13. Why bcoz I'm not English it's even rasisum.
  14. Rasisum? Please, just quit talking.
  15. Wow, you sound like every black man in America... "IS IT CUZ I'M BLACK SON?"
  16. Nobody mentioned english.. Dont play victim kiddo
  17. Man this is funny all I can do is watch please grow some so I can get a peice
  18. Dagger, learn how the game works. You can't pm everybody you know askimng them to help you, I could care less about what you did to end up in their can. That's your problem, not mine
  19. Asking and clan*, not used to using a kindle
  20. Ok since we're taking the time to edumacate ya. Here's another nugget for you. Pvp is one thing. Stripping is another. When u get ss tripped expect a whole news full of people popping in to say hi to your gold. ️
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