So I need to know what buildings to have on the first 25 lands. I heard 5 attack and the rest guild but I don't know so could I get some ideas?
Your question is to vague. You need to figure out what you want to do. Do you Want to be a hansel? Do you want to be heavy attack? Does hybrid build appeal? Each has its advantages and problems
It all depends on your aims in kaw. Do you want to do osws, ebs, ee wars or just farm noobs. Once you've decided that, you can decide on a build.
If you want a lot of cash, I recommend a build thsts 75% attack and 25% spy. Attack buildings tend to pay great
Your best bet for making tons of gold is to be a guild hansel. For that, you need one maxed Circle of Elemental, and the rest guilds.
@Moose, attack builds pay pretty good per hit, but guild hansels have astounding final payouts, and gold per hits are not that bad either.
Off system wars. Wars between at least 2 clans not using the usual system for wars(ie. off the system) it ends when one side submits or a cease fire is put in place. They can go on for months.