I need gold

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by Armageddon, Aug 10, 2013.

  1. What's the fastest way to get good gold
  2. EBs or farm someone with gold
  3. Clowns are scary. 
  4. Catch a mudkip.
  5. Op the best way to get gold at your size is to hit an epic battle, may i suggest you go to a b2b(back to back) ambush clan, also make sure you are at max plunder, follow back if you have any more questions:)
  6. Epic Battle Guide by Wulf
    Eb's are currently the best way to make money unless you hit the bl. I suggest you do B2B Ambush like Shaun said, but if you do others this guide should help you understand what to do in each eb.
  7. Epic battles are the fastest method to earn gold. I recommend also having max plunder, which requires to purchase allies until your plunder bonus stops increasing.

    Oh, and build guilds, those are practically plunder factories.