I Need Build Advice!

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by EquinoxElite, Nov 9, 2013.

  1. I have just completed my Lowlands. I have 20 Beastiarys and 4 Guilds all maxed. Should I save up to convert my Beastiarys to CoE's? Should I build T3 attack buildings? Any advice would be helpful. What should I do?
  2. Go Coe and keep guilds
  3. I personally built t3 building but I've been told not to do that so I'm not sure what you should do
  4. If your quitting KaW why do you care what your build is.
  5. I'd definitely start building the CoEs.
  6. depends on your play style what you want to do in kaw at the future to hit ebs or participate wars i i suggest you to clarify that first than the build will reveal itself
  7. CoEs are amazing! Build infinitez CoEz
  8. I'm planning to become a hybrid. I will likely use my HL to get my spy stats up.
  9. I love being a hybrid! :)
  10. I'd convert a lot of those beasts to guilds. They're cheap. Then it will be easier to save up the 3 bil to convert the rest to CoEs.

    Any T2 to guild conversion will give you the most return for the money, though your atk/def stats will suffer