I need advice

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by -Mrs_iSpy-, Jun 1, 2010.

  1. What should I Do?
    Get lvl 1 subterranian factories
    keep lvl 3 forges

    the thing is I don't have enough $ to upgrade the sub factories for a while. And they have less troops at lvl 1 than frges at lvl 3. But the attck/def is more for the sub factories.

    Basically: which are better? Sub factories lvl 1- or forges lvl 3?
  2. Forges lv 3 are better than subs lv 1
    subs lv 2 are tinny better than forges lv 3
  3. Y so much more expensive?
  4. Well you can read a comprehensive guide by iwillhuntudown (my apprentice) *lol* titled "basic terms,tips xxx for beginners to intermediate" to make the choice for sub fact or nt. Can't remember the title tho. Lol.
  5. You should only ever get Factories if you can afford the full upgrade price (1330.000.000 Gold), preferrably after you LC.
