I might be writing a story!

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by THEBlade, Aug 24, 2011.

  1. Who wants to be in it? Wall me if so because I usually don't check fan fic.
  2. Notice how nobody has any idea what your story is about, therefore chances are nobody will sign up
  3. It'll be about stuff with things occurring.
  4. Sounds good.
  5. You have to make a sign up thread. Criteria for the sign ups. Will we have superpowers? Evil clones? Monsters? Elfs?
  6. I want an evil clone. Why can't we have more stories with evil clones in them?
  7. Because there is the problem of them joining half paged-.-
  8. Bravo, Encore, congratulations...

    Should we clap,  Dance,  or Sing?