I made an equipment for KaW

Discussion in 'Questions/Feedback' started by wtjjetnegnagm, Dec 19, 2015.

  1. Anyone remember the ring of lost souls? I was the one who came up with the name and description for that equipment.

    Where's my medal?
  2. Somebody wants attention
  3. No **** sherlock
  4. Cool story bro.
    7/10 too much water IGN.
  5. Gr8 B8 M8, I R8 8/8 nevr l8 4 Mr H8 on the sk8board
  6. You lie on the reg for attention or the lols?
  7. Wow, if you made that then I was the inspiration for KaWs beginner guides.
  8. I modeled as the loading screen girl.
  9. Did you get something already?
  10. I ate a frozen mars bar once
  11. You are god
  12. I remember this actually, kaw_community asked to name it on the forums and somebody won ofc. May be another acc after the guy stopped playing. Either way it isn't note worthy and OP is attention seeking as hell
  13. Nice
  14. This exactly.
  15. Congratulations?

    (I'm not sure exactly what we're supposed to do here..:?)
  16. Everyone whose submissions won for the naming of equipment got the max level equipment for free. There's your medal.