I know this is noobish but...

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by Autodidact, Jul 17, 2012.

  1. Yea, yea, I should probably already know this but...

    It's about ally stat bonuses. I've heard people say both sides, so I'm confused. If an ally has 100,000 attack bonus, do you get 100,000 stats or the full stats? You're all probably gunna call me dumb flr not knowing but still...
  2. Idk either
    -not alone OP- :p
  3. I don't understand the question.
  4. Yes, you get 100k added to your original stats.
  5. If an ally has 100,000 to spy attack, you get 100,000 to spy attack.

    Your actual stats are listed on your profile page.

    The actual stats of a player and the bonus to allies are not the same thing.
  6. Thanks deadly, and btw sorry for not responding
  7. Your Bonus From Allies (BFA) adds to your raw stats.
  8. 2k to raw stats, multiply bonus by 2% that's what you get to raw stats./lock question answered
  9. False. Read what I wrote above.
  10. Yeah read what everyone wrote above lol
  11. @Cheese, then why won't my 100k bfa help it barely helps at all.
  12. Because it only adds to your raw stats.
  13. U get 100k added to 'Your Stats' not your BFA
  14. Look at your profile.

    It will show attack strength, etc.

    It will be something like:

    This is NOT your CS that everyone can see. That is your actual raw stat.

    A plus 100,000 to attack ally will give you a total of 1,001,000 attack strength.
  15. So if you have a 2m bonus to allies , and on your profile page you have 100m atk stats, a 2m bonus from allie stats would give you total of 102m atk, correct?
  16. BINGO!
  17. [​IMG]

    There's my raw stats.
  18. Which is a really insignificant increase when you think about it. The more allies however, the better the increase.
  19. As you can see, I have 42mil raw attack strength, but my bonus to allies is only around 850k.