I know it's noobish but...

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by piedude64, Apr 24, 2013.

  1. I've been of KaW for many months and forgot how lowlands/highlands should be built (for and att build) can anyone clear it up. I think it's 70% attack builds 30% spy on lowlands and I have no clue on highlands
  2. You can build however you want:)
  3. Yes mostly get buildings that will raise your troops more than your spy....me thinks..
  4. Its your choice... be unique. And more expensive buildings give better stats.
  5. I'm pretty sure 75% atk 25 % spy vice versa for hansel hybrid is in between if higher percentage is closer to attack that hansel is attack heavy if its closer to spy it's a spy heavy hybrid.
  6. True hansel is 1 attk build and all others are spy builds
  7. I prefer one of each buildings.