i just got on and looked on clan events :/

Discussion in 'Wars' started by Dirtrider98, Aug 25, 2012.

  1. ONLY 3 WARS IN ALL OF KAW!!!!!!!!
    Have the EB's really become this addictive??!!!
  2. Ugh. Spam, lock, go away, HI MOOSE!
  3. i honestly dont feel this is spam :/. this is just speaking that there needs to be more wars. :roll:
  4. Kinda depressing. On the up side, you can see what clans are doing the plunder EBs and hit their members for gold :D
  5. Spamspamspamspam.

    On an unrelated note, OP's thread has a lock looming at the distance.

    (the spam was refernce to OP, not me.)

  6. The original poster would, of course, not feel his or her own thread was spam.
  7. Youre not in a war...you're not even in a clan.
  8. Yes wars suck. Osw baby!
  9. Sad. Some in osw tho
  10. who care about war anyway ? are u a war noob
  11. This isn't spam... It's useless, but not spam.
  12. So his clan is called warland. They don't allow farming...

    (/)_(\) to much fail
  13. Make that 2.
  14. Instead of crying about it start a war find a clan similar size n challenge them.
  15. Lol I needed a form of cash, but I still need mith
  16. Maybe it means more osw?
  17. I remember looking on clan events and seeing tons of wars :) but now it make meh sad 
  18. @lilenia, if a useless thread is called spam.