I Humbly Beg for a CF from the Great Apoc Alliance

Discussion in 'Wars' started by __CHUBBY__CHASER__, Jul 15, 2015.

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  1. Dear Apoc Alliance,

    I, _CHUBBY_CHASER_, of Fury admit to being totally outclassed in this OSW and humbly request that the constant bombarding of my account to stop. As per the CF conditions, I have left Fury and have reset my account to reflect the noob that I am.

    Since Fury foolishly joined this war, my phone has been constantly vibrating from incoming from your mighty alliance. I haven't grown in months, and my allies get stripped away the moment I hire them. I and my clanmates have been so outclassed by your greatness that I have to admit my own patheticness. I thus humbly beg you to make the trauma stop and cf on this account.

    Now I know I don't deserve your mercy. I admit to being a total ass in the forums as well as making up untrue stories about certain Apoc clans and members. I also admit to trying to bribe top Apoc leaders into leaving my account in peace. I humbly beg Apoc leaders to look past this childish noob behavior and for the love of Christ grant me a cf. Please stop the constant stream of incoming. Please take away my nightmares and let me Kaw in peace. In return I promise to never again dare challenge your authority and do my best to convince my former clanmates to see the futility of this war.

    All hail the Apoc alliance, the greatest alliance Kaw has every known. Please bestow your sweet gentle mercy on this failed troll and wannabe warrior.

    I humbly beg once again for a cf on this pathetic noob.

    Sincerely and with deep respect,

  2. Don't even need to look.
  3. Isn't impersonating another acct against Tou?
  4. Wow. It wasn't sarcasm.

  5. The catch!
  6. Yes
  7. #walloftext
  8. Not impersonating anyone. It would be hard to sell that considering there are now several Dirty Lary's in Fury ATM.
  9. Please reply great leaders of Apoc. I am at your mercy.
  10. Obvious fake when you look at badges.
  11. Give this dude machine tags he's clearly earned them 
  12. Whatever, and whoever. This thread and that Elf thread are both classless, tasteless, and worthless.
    Fury stands and continues to do so. Regardless of loss or gain, they fight on.
    That, at the least, is respectable. 
  13. I have reset to meet cf conditions.
  14. That was a very well written cf request. That alone is proof that it's a fake. 

  15. I just want the trauma, the constant poundings to stop. Can't take it anymore.
  16. I have begged IMF for a cf but he hasn't responded. :(
  17. This is Turlock account alt now hog beat him so bad in this game something broke in his head but whatever it's apocs member 
  18. Interesting that this appeared shortly after the last joke of thread was locked and op forum banned... Interesting... I for one think that trash talking is part of osw/pvp but do not impersonate another acc that is going too far.
  19. I know this is embarrassing to you Larry, but it is time for Fury to admit the truth that we have been totally taken to school in the OSW. Follow suit and beg for mercy with me.
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