So I was thinking about stuff and it hit me! What if you can customize your clan page! Some you may say,"Noob you can already customize your clan page!" But I have a twist!!! You know how cool the background of a clan page is when a clan is in an EE war, what if you can customize your clan page background! Why stop there? Instead of having the same old boring Emojicons and fonts ,you can add photos and create your own clan emblem. Also you could have clan levels like rancor level and prestige, and you can earn experience points by doing clan events like get to 100 members, unlock and complete all epic battles, earn 500bil as a clan on one epic battle, and Etc: this is a rough sketch of an idea please send some positive feedback
I like this i think theres alot of room for creativity when customizing and i especially like the create ur own clan banner and maybe profile customization options too ?hmmm……