I don't see why

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by lIl--l_lND3AD--_--J3ST3R--lIl, Mar 4, 2015.

  1. Ao don't see why everyone is yelling about becoming bc not matter what ur size in this game you will be doing the same thing.

    Ebers tap repeat on eb no matter the size

    Pvpers there more kill need here but there's always ssomeone your size to play with

    Its not that a new player won't hit top lb and as I see it if your coming into a game this old u need to pay for it or just enjoy the game. The biggest problem to the new to bc or the quiters is that most new clans are no good there are to many failing that's what really turns people and a dead cc witch if you ask me is the biggest part

    Do I have an answer for this no but if peps could stop yelling it's not fare that he's played for 4 years as I have only played for 2 but I'm not his size
    Bs then maybe something could be done
  2. Hmmm, could someone interpret what he is trying to say?
  3. It's no fun knowing you have no chance being anywhere near BC
  4. Many complain about the newest expansion (level 3) mainly since it's the most expensive building upgrade to date. 500b a pop is an exorbitant amount many feel. I myself was overwhelmed at first since the price for level 2 was 200b. (Over half less)

    Now as a BC player, I feel the stats and plunder increase are worth the price. In the past I've seen the opposite being said many times. "Why are these lands cheap and weak!"

    Best advice I can give is to get strong enough to be able to stay in a b2b scrag clan.
    Summoner and smoke signals are the best alternatives to haunting the escape!

    Build a T7 and max one by one. The plunder and stats should spike!
  5. Put into English for your convenience. 

  6. yea what he said I said lol
    I am no good at typing and at saying what I'm thinking