I Deserve 7.5k event reward

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by CLASSICARF, Jan 13, 2016.

  1. Smashed out the event doing hte and not having a life irl then end up 6 items of my target of 7.5k. Would appreciate it if you devs would give me the 7.5k award as I strive to obtain the 4 rime banner token reward at the end of this event.

    P.s. I'm big noob trolls and support comments accepted ty :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen:
  2. Lmao. In b4 lock.
  3. so busy for two weeks you couldn't land 2 more attacks?
  4. How u get 7.5k?
    I only git 1K :/

  6. Cool story bro! Leave and tell it elsewhere
  7. Lol poor dude. I was literally 2 arrows off from hitting my 10K goal bro.
    You dont hit ? Then you get wat you get.
    Be ready tomorrow for next event
  8. Tomorrow? I thought it was gonna be couple of hrs...
  9. My alt was 1 off of 1.5k, it happens lol.
  10. I got 7.3k oh well move on
  11. Cheers for the support guys hope devs see that the community supports me on this one 
  12. Let him have it! 
  13. Here, as a forum poster, let me change your rewards for you.
  14. I was at 8.4k but I grinded it out and got 1.6k in 4 hours o.o and I finished with 10,053 Scrywater. GG.