I couldn't think of a relevant title.

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by llR_-I-_Pll_Delta_llR_-I-_Pll, Mar 18, 2016.

  1. Does your face look like this?

    Or this?

    Do you have conversations like this?

    Do you think that this statement is true?


    With the state forums is in at the moment, I'd have to guess that you agree with those first three pictures and not with the fourth.
    Lets face it, it sucks.
    And you know what?

    What does make me mad is that no one does anything about it.
    Cheese's and Rikki's threads are fine, sure. But shouldn't we be making threads about people when they're completely gone, when forums is actually about to shut down? Rather than when forums is still alive. I'm not targetting them because they're bad (they're not bad) but because you're both awesome thread makers who I believe could get everyone involved in a more exciting thread.

    Instead of looking at what people have done, I think that we should look forward to new threads that will be awesome, or at least awesomer than some of the ones on forums at the moment. Yes, I embrace my hypocrisy here.

    So, get posting, nothing is too far off-topic for the off-topic section right?
  2. The title brought me here.
  3. I love the Addams family.

    Especially Morticia Addams.
  4. No support