I believe i might have found a resetting pattern for greaves

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by STrE3T_CyB3r-H34rT_HiT-MaCHiNE, Feb 13, 2013.

  1. Okay i believe i might have found a pattern. Now bear with me as i try to explain:
    (Now i must say this methods do NOT guarantee enchant success, as it seems, i believe there is also some luck involved)

    (Side not for credibility) i must say these are the methods on which i have conscientiously used to successfully max these equipments with my 3 accounts.


    I have noticed bracers and bow have almost the same resetting pattern. From personal experience and from fellow members i have noticed these 2 equipments usually will only reset at lvl 6 trying to go to lvl 7.

    Now these are my observations(bow/bracers)

    -Dont be impatient!!
    -to be able to really prove this theory, i really need you guys to follow my steps
    - okay your bracers have to be lvl 4(if you just enchanted to lvl 4 let them be- will get to that in a bit)
    - once at lvl 4 (you have to have enough to go all the way to lvl 7) enchant it
    all the way- you shouldn't have any fails / resets( you need 5 inferno 3 aqua for bracers)
    - however if your bracers are lvl 5 and you do this, they will probably reset. Has to be lvl 4 to do my method
    ---->now if you JUST enchanted to lvl 4, just come back to it a couple ebs later and
    o for it

    **** (On both situations, you must me recently active on eb when you try this) ****
    ------> on both situation WHEN you do it, has to be 1 or 2 ebs after the last time you recieved aqua / inferno

    ** now bow: bow is very similar, yet a little more heaps of luck. Such that when enchanting bow, bow tends to fail a lot more often.

    Bow will follow the same process as bracers, however, because bow fails, what you have to do for this method to work is

    - same process/ situations as bracers
    - difference is, if you enchant and fails on lvl 4 going to lvl 5 let them be- DO NOT continue enchanting at this point, and try enchanting the next time you receive aqua/ inferno and try it 1 or 2 ebs later, after you get recently active on eb
    ----> you must have enough aqua/ inferno to do this (at least 6 inferno & 3 aqua)

    If lvl4- lvl5 was success you go all the way.

    But now, if from lvl 5-6 or lvl 6-7 you get fails ( this is the tough part)
    And you dont enchant and just let them be and come back to them once you have enough aqua/inferno again, the will MOST likely reset.
    -So what you gotta do, is account for 2 fails (that means you must have at least 10 inferno and 5 aqua if you decide to try my method) and try taking them all the way from lvl4-7

    Now heres greaves: (and the toughest one)

    Greaves tend to reset a lot on lvl4-5, lvl 6-7, and lvl 9-10

    Remember that as this method takes leaps of faith hoping that once you pass those "blockades" you have probability on maxing them.

    Heres my theory:

    -if you manage to get greaves past 4, let them be.(leave at lvl 5)
    - come back, next time you recieve inferno(same as explained before)
    - this is where you need luck. Try enchating from 5-7.
    (Now greaves reset a lot on lvl 6, so this is hoping it doesnt reset at lvl6)

    ------> IF you managed to get it to lvl 7 you have gotten far already
    So once you got there, lvl 7 this is a big step, (because if you enchant to lvl7-8 or lvl8-9) your greaves will reset down only to lvl 5 not 0. So you can repeat these steps from lvl 5

    Okay now you JUST got your greaves lvl 7.
    Once there, next time you recieve inferno, GO for it (like explained before, try 1 or 2 ebs after once active- i usually try it when 90% of troops)

    Now if they fail and you get stuck at lvl 9, when you try to enchant next time- they will most likely reset ( you can try my method on enchanting 1 or 2 ebs after) but honestly, declare them probably reset.

    So from lvl 7-10 if fails and no reset, its okay keep going JUST DONT GET STUCK ON LVL 9. You have to be able to go from 7 all the way to 10. 3 enchants 3 success.

    So thats it, thats my tutorial. Now plz this is NOT set in stone.
    The purpose of this, is for KAW community to give me their opinion. And try enchanting my EXACT way. If it doesnt work, well it seems i just got coincidentally REALLY lucky with all 3 accounts enchanting the same way.

    However, if it does work, plz post on forum. Let me know :) and good luck
  2. He's a genius 
  3. Sounds pretty good db
  4. This is by far the most realistic guide to enchant successful. I will definitely try this. Ty
  5. Truthfully I like this thread :D
    But untruthfully I hate it :twisted;
  6. Stupid bb code fail :twisted:
  7. I can't read all that, just fix mine and do you have anything in ox blood dirty bronze is not my thing. Any idea why the one size fits all breast plate is acceptable?
  8. I'm fairly certain it is completely random. The chance of failing/resetting seems to Increase with higher enchants though.
  9. Not likely correct, but I like the enthusiasm.
  10. I will try it when I get the grieves!
  11. Well like i said, this is not for certain... but it seemed like there was a pattern.

    Now if this doesnt work, oh well.. just another way to lose your inferno/aqua.

    However if it DOES work, well we all have lots to gain from it. If it doesnt work we only have but just another resets to add to reset count of bow/bracers/greaves
  12. With the greaves, this may very well work. (From personal experience) Bracers and bow, though... Not necessarily.
  13. Bracers and bow tend to be more random (I have one account w maxed bow/bracer set). I think I took bracer from lvl 0-7 w/o any fails on one account - shoot me later, not yet. Greeves have a thing for me though...I've never seen lvl 8 :(
  14. Don't tell us! Devs will change it
  15. Im sure I've gone from lvl 9 to zero on greaves but as it has reset so so many times I could be mistaken
  16. ^^^^^

    Yes lvl going from 9-10 is a common reset. Thats why i say, when at lvl 7 or 8 try going all the way to 10. Dont leave at lvl 9.
  17. Alright Chief. Let me break down a few things for ya.

    Bow and bracers are night and day. Bow is much easier to enchant than bracers or greaves. This is mathematical fact. Not a random guess.

    When enchanting...(using bracers as example)... Enchantment lvl4 to 5 and 5 to 6 are the hardest. Lvl1 to 2 and lvl9-10 being the easiest.

    Enchantments start easy, get hardest in the middle ground, then taper back down to the easy side after that.

    So why are greaves and bracers so much harder to enchant than the bow?

    Greaves and bracers are the hardest items to enchant. When the bow and it's group of items were released, ATA made them easier to enchant than the equipment that came out prior(greaves and bracers).
  18. Okay....soooo......... what's your point?

    All i'm trying to do is release my method-which has proven successful for me. Might've been luck altogether, but i did follow that process and maxed all e of them.

    All i'm doing is telling kaw community to try my method, if it doesnt work. Oh well, seems i got pretty lucky.
    But if it works, it should help everyone.

    And it seems like someone needs a solution. Because those equipments, reset the most