I am the Supreme_forums_noob's slave

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by IllI_lTS-ME-OR-THE-ETHANs_lIlI, Dec 31, 2011.

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  1. Hi Guys like the subject says I'm his slave so yeah.... 
  2. Fail thread is a fail
  3. Awesome. You obviously can't wall him...
  4. Expect me in your news feed for the immediate future...
  5. What did I do to u?
  6. Someone tell tornado to put out a new bounty I wanna collect
  7. What are u guys talking about? I'm hi main too
  8. Being a "slave" to a failttroll like SupremeForumNoob should make you feel embarrassed. Being an even worse failttroll yourself just makes you pathetic.
  9. What did u just call my mom? :mad:
  10. Morik, why do you spell 'failtroll' with two T's?
  11. Nothing she hasn't heard before, I'm sure;)
  12. Man I think I should quit kaw these pol are soo sensitive
  13. he called her a hairy carpet muncher and that's the truth 
  14. @gurilla

    Why do spell your name with a "u"? I have my reasons... Since failttroll is not an actual word as recognized by academia I can spell it as I see fit.
  15. @ethans

    I will give you a thumbs up for your pot stockpile. Not many people bother with them anymore. It shall be interesting finding out how much you've invested in them:)
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