I am sorry trident,

Discussion in 'Wars' started by THEBlade, Aug 12, 2012.

  1. Trident clans, I am sorry that you had to waste days farming me, im sorry for krieger that he is in your clan, an lastly I am sorry for you all that moss did not accept these cf terms:




    (note, thread is a joke, i have yet to decide whether to accept your terms. I already am retired, so the farming doesnt matter.)
  2. Ss made me Lmfao!
  3. It made me giggle teehee
  4. Interesting terms you have
  5. i did vote on those terms im glad to see u acctually try to implement them! ..support for someone
  6. Apology accepted. Wait what?
  7. :lol: hahahaha
  8. I'm sure they'll accept sooner or later.
  9. Support for trident.

     WRATH 
  10. Bump to make sure they accept it
  11. :lol: :lol: that's funny lmao
  12. Imma let this on for awhile.
  13. Thanks BBOY
  14. ._. I don't understand why you would lock this thread.

    Yes, I understand you said you'd let it be for now.
  15. I enjoy a good argument once in awhile. Finally have tools, now I'm back to forums to read some threads.

    Let's see how this story ends.
  16. Hahahaha go someone!
  17. Jeez. Even I would accept those terms.
  18. Being farmed for a day and already rushing to forum? U don't set cf condition, we set. And because of this post u made, there won't be cf condition any more. Till u sincerely post forum apologies to Athena, krieger, and tridents. Take the hits