I am Silenced.

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Zethryr, Jan 29, 2015.

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  1. Yes. I have been perm silenced. I cannot talk in PM, WC, CC, Wall or anything else. And I cannot get "that third party app" to talk to you all.

    This thread isn't a silence complaint. I am hoping that the people who keep walling me will quit, and maybe my clan will see, and let me HTE.

    That is all.
  2. I see. So why did you get silenced :p
  3. For saying something that wasn't even censored.
    But let's not dwell.
  4. Just make a new account... It's not like your losin much stats wise bud
  5. Resetting doesn't work.
  6. email devs lol, ive already been silenced 5 times ;)
  7. Again? Zuke!

    I think you need to become an adjective. Quit being such a Zuke!

    Think itll catch on?
  8. Do this. Resetting doesn't alter silences, otherwise it'd be easily abused. Just wait for a grace period of about a week and then email support@athinkingape.com about your username, game, and issue. They might make you review your silence to see if you actually know the magnitude of the consequence, and then lift it.
  9. Sucks to suck
  10. I've already emailed them when I got silenced. They said it was justified, even though what I said wasn't against the TOU.

    Let's move on. I don't want this locked.
  11. Don't mock me in my time of need.
  12. Would love to farm you but meh. I would just be picking on people smaller then me, do you have any bigger accounts?
  13. Leave her alone. She's not as strong as we are.
  14. Hey, it took 4 **** ing years to get these stats. Have some consideration
  15. Gif thief.
  16. couldn't help it , it's funny af xD
  17. I know that's why I stole it the first time!
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