i am looking to be a perm member for a clan wall me

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by BPL-PRINCE-BPL, Oct 2, 2011.

  1. if your a strong and active clan :idea: then im looking to be in your clan post if you want me in your clan please no side comments that have nothing to do with thisput your clan name and a comment on why you want me or something else that is nice :) [/color] im looking to be a perm member i will be in other clans from time to time but will be apart and come back to the clan often/please message my wall as well.
  2. (/).-) you know you can get forum banned for spamming right?
  3. this isnt spamming
  4. Give no mercy a try
  5. My god. So much fail. This is your third attempt. You're stupid.
  6. What the hell are you expecting. A "red carpet" invite from iG or Foxes? Gimme a break. Good clans don't beg for noobs
  7. Moose,

    I asked him to come to Conclave!

  8. Big moosey facepalm
  9. Well, we do have a recruiting contest going on.

    And I'm losing by 17....
  10. Young GunZ! We are heh heh heh. You're trying to read this AWESOME
  11. Wow, laziness has reached new heights.
  12. Im gonna lurk on this thread so I can watch the pathetic noob clans vie for this players application. Lol
  13. Maybe we could all chip in and buy him some XSTALs and Nobs. Shoot, we could take shifts hitting the attack button for him too. Anything else you need op?
  14. Join my clan, no mercy were growing fast and you would be a step ahead of all the other new recruits 