I am attack by noob, how report him?

Discussion in 'Wars' started by *Redart_Kus_U_Denwo (01), Jul 25, 2012.

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  1. I am thecoolguywind and i have been attack by noob, he took a lot of my gold, i scold him noob but he no stop attack me, he attack me alot of times. if he dont stop i later cry, plz someone stop him his name is andy1717 he noob, he keep steal gold and he fail so i know he noob gold steal. I have earn 15 million and plz i dont want lose the remain 3million, someone attack him plz, or someone teach how report he noob so he be banne,
  2. FAIL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  3. So much fail in one paragraph
  4. Attack back!

    Show 'im 'ow eet done!
  5. Please tell me you're joking
  6. Grow so I can farm you!!!
  7. Definite screenshot
  8. Omg this gave me a laugh that's how the game is played! Congrats to the other guy. You are a noob if you think he can be banned for attack.
    Not kingdoms at let's have a tea party.
  9. Good thing I have a really weak inactive alt that I can go on to farm OP 
  10. Farming is allowed on this game.
    I have spoken. Good day
  11. You have just been given:

    The Worlds most retarded noob award
  12. This is a joke right???? I'm lmao so hard right now I might pee a little.
  13. Ouch my eyes and brain sorry but man it hurts
  15. Need a dictionary op? (meaning, please learn some English)
  16. Don't ask for help on forums. Not many people care. Ask your clanmates for help.
    I have spoken again. Good day
  17. he real attack me, and now many poeple use spy acctivity attack me, and i dont know who how to show youself???? tey attack me and other andy1717 other poeple attack me, how report those noob? they reall noob
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