I accidentally DP

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by X_AnnaGrace_X, Aug 18, 2016.

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  1. Double post sorry
  2. Re: Story Time - Highschool Screw up.

    Rough seas make skilled sailors

    Life is a challenge, but there's one thing everybody takes for granted. You're still breathing, and you've still got a fighting chance.
  3. Re: Story Time - Highschool Screw up.

    Wise words my friend.
  4. This title made me giggle
  5. I came in here expecting an interesting story about some accidental DP
  6. Me too and now I'm disappointed and Unsatisfied
  7. you should be more careful about where you put those...posts.
  8. In before lock?
  9. I can imagine up a few scenarios where accidental dp could happen, none of wich I care to discuss here
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