Could anybody help me to get an lcbc Hybrid (Not Hansel Not hitter...both in One, half spy half hitter) fast? Ty would very appreciate your help
my suggestion is to go all hansel until you are lb. Stay hansel until you have enough money to switch half your building over to attack, and your good to go. Hansel makes money quickly, which is why I suggest this.
I still dislike your build idea, however. It leaves you open to farming from BOTH hansel and pure attack builds. You will be vulnerable.
Go proper hansel. Proper hansels have strong allies; that makes up for their lack of attack buildings. But yea, you'll need $$$ and lots of it.
A Hansel is supposed to have a huge bonus from allies.... If you're a real hansel you can attack haunting pot free
Moose gave you the best way. Although like he said, your a fantastic target for anyone looking for an easy farm.
To a newer player growing up a hybrid with 7 Coe and the rest guilds is the new moneymaking build. You have enough str to hit haunting without pots and earn great plunder from your guilds. Once you have 20 million plus attack bonus from allies u can do haunting well enough as a hansel. Once u have 30 u are set. The problem is getting there. Hansels without massive ally bonus should stick to pwar until their ATT bfa is enough to hit haunting. Or at least until threy can get by using the 2.5 pot.