Hybrid Mechanics?

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by FaZe, Apr 29, 2014.

  1. I have a quick question, in order to get hybrid mechanics you need to have either above 25% attack or spy troop buildings. However does this include towers?

    Lets say I have 75 lands, 22 of which are towers.

    Would hybrid mechanics be 25% of 75 minus 22 or still 25% of 75?

    So basically would an account like this need 13 spy/attack buildings or 19?

    I think it is 13 just want to clarify.

    Thx :)
  2. 25% after you subtract towers.
  3. Thanks /lock please
  4. 25% doesn't factor in towers, mite I suggest the trial an error approach
  5. And subtract castle
  6. I read that thread abt mechanics. You just take into acct the total buildings. To be under hybrid mechs w/ 75 lands youd have to have at keast 19 spy and att buildings
  7. How much do you charge for a lap dance.
  8. You take into account all of your buildings(towers castle etc) Then you find the 25%.
  9. ⛔️Noob Question Alert⛔️What's hybrid mechanics
  10. The only noob question is the one you don't ask.
    Hybrid makes you dtw with zero gold out to attack builds and allows you to attack hansels even when they have zero gold out.

    To obtain mech your build must be
    1/4 of all offensive buildings ( exclude towers and castle ) must be spy buildings. Land and builds doesn't matter it just has to be 25% of the buildings you have built as a spy attacking build.
  11. Not so sure about the DTW to attack builds thing there big fella.
  12. If your not sure test it or get friends too. Or just read the fight mechs in best of forums section by belle / la ripper now whichever name she uses. But the forum is there for a reason. Essential read along with wulfs guide to builds.
  13. I think you're confused. That is a hansel mechanic you're talking about. Hybrids do not function that way. You go DTW when you're <20% troops.