Hurricane Patricia

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by ImmortalFaZe_TDT, Oct 24, 2015.

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  1. Hello forums, if you don't already know, there is a hurricane that has been recorded as the strongest hurricane ever! It has over 240 Mph winds, and is supposed to hit Mexico, and then break off, and flood all of Texas.

    Well as you guys know this is going to be bad for Mexico, and I was just wondering devs, could we do another thing where we donate the money from nobilty points, and health crystals, to the fund of helping Mexico recover.

    Thank you guys :)
  2. It it floods Mexico then all the cartel leaders will die it's good for America though lol.
  3. Yeah because hurricanes are known to totally eradicate populations...
  4. Troll this is most devastating juan yet, so you necer know eh?
  5. It's been downgraded to a tropical depression, no reported causalities.

    We HAARPED it. *poof*

    It's is currently 59* with cloudy skies a gently breeze of 3 mph the humidity is set at 61% in the DC area.

    We are currently expecting CME impact after a filament snap post release long duration hydra-flare.

    Viva la Mexico
  6. Next time Texas! NEXT TIME!

  7. We can't HARRP Texas. Why would you want to HARRP Texas. Are you going full retard on the politics? This is a weather thread.
  8. No support.This thread is
  9. For sure not gonna happen. They probably need the rain anyway.

  10. does this mean houston or dallas will win the superbowl next season like new orleans? all those republicans floating in flood waters...
  11. God already punished Texas with that flood. It was right after they tried to ban gay marriage.

    Just saying, Ireland got sunshine and rainbows when they legalized it. YOUR GOD HAS SPOKEN! 

  12. enjoy all that meat in your
  13. Aight a mod can lock this.
  14. I'm sure liberals would still find a way to blame bush for this hurricane too
  15. Meat in my freezer? I do enjoy it. I'm making a few steaks tonight. Want to come over? I have to warn you though there's this gay couple who comes into my house and has sex in full few of my family and dinner guests. I guess that's what I was warned about when they said gays threatens the traditional American family.
  16. That was a powerful storm. I would talk about it, but there are others much more will versed. I wouldn't do the topic justice. Maybe next fall, I'm spending the next year studying weather (mostly space weather). It's a lot of reading.

    My hydroponic setup in controlled environments is going okay, although I'm having problems reproducing the desired conditions with MY current technical level. I still haven't managed the specs I want on the hydroponic system so I still get to tinker, although I can produce some quality vegetables with relative ease. I'm looking forward to the cooler season and the management of a small greenhouse area I'm am currently working on. It may be next year before I can fully utilize it. Early spring should be quiet productive. The angles need to be just right to push out those extra percentage points trying to maximize the sun strength in relation to it's shifting positioning in the sky. Automation is the final step in regards to adjustments.


    Now that is whack, but not because of crack. Piece out.
  17. Hahahaha :lol: That is awesome.
  18. Ok really? How the **** did gay marriage come along into this? And really insults???? So mature KaW.
  19. Lolz troll

    I heard yesterday someone blaming Bill Clinton for 9/11

    Can we all just agree that Liberals and Conservatives are idiots?
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