KaW is an example of humans doing what they do best. Being sexual organisms. I have noticed in wc that a user with a masculine name is less likely to be given help and or a volley than if someone with a feminine name was to appear on the new player update. Why? Most of KaW are male are adolescent... Speaks for itself. Seriously though; Males in general have to stopthis silliness. Most of the 'women' on kaw are men. That is a fact. Think with the head above your waist guys.
One of kaws greatest mysteries...Terras gender. Unless Terra is Cella and Cella is Redstars alt... TERRA IS KAW!!!
Where do you get your facts from? Most of the 'women' on kaw are male. Can't handle the thought that females can play games too? Especially a war game? I find that sexist and offensive. Many females play kaw and MOST are probably better at it than you op!
And by the way this thread was mainly a criticism of males...I have said that most of the 'females' on this game are actually men. Did I question females ability? No. Did you get defensive for no good reason? Yes.
You protest too much mate. You came out with the sweeping statement not me As for my personality. Thankfully you don't know me and that's the way I'd like it to stay