Huge lag issues please fix devs

Discussion in 'Questions/Feedback' started by zombiesbride, Nov 2, 2014.

  1. Hey im having terrible lag issues. It takes a few minutes to post in cc or to load anything. Please fix
  2. Its probably just you.

    Clear your cashe and data for kaw
    Make sure your on latest update
    Restart your WiFi or data connection

    Try all that ^
  3. Delete app and reinstall. I have not noticed lag issues.
  4. I did all but delete the app didnt help and I wasn't the only one. Lots of clan members had similar issues. I got a message saying not able to connect to server. It did eventually resolve itself after an hour and a half tho.
  5. this has been happening to everyone :roll: didn't you read the popup when everyone got a free crux chest? ....