Since i dont traverse this section often, I need you guys (the writers and readers) to suggest the best of the best threads in this section for preservation in the Historic Thread Safeguard Service. Just post the thread's name here, and I'll see what I can do. Best of the best though...remember that. ATM I only possess The Writer's Cafe
The two that I am considering ATM is Endgame (by Seth) and Ryol's first story, as these were the pioneer story threads in KaW.
Thought you were talking about Best Of for a second and paniced. Here's some of my other suggestions: iWrite Co. (There's 2 versions of it) iEnterprises You can view a (currently incomplete) story list on The FF superthread. I'll see if I could find a few good ones there.
Innocence is great an finished A game of secrets is good and in progress Endgame is good but dead i think..