hte rotwb NOT FUNNY!!!

Discussion in 'Questions/Feedback' started by sickdexlick, Apr 27, 2016.

  1. To set the mood of this feedback / discussion (and/or trollathon) (hte)Have They Ever (rotwb)Really Once Thought WE BUY! So I was bored an button bouncin when I stumbled upon the eb records of this week an last!!!! Rotwb isn't worth the bacon sandwich BUT THE TOP50 times for hte were all within a 5 minutes BUT THE shocker was not one clan in those 50 top times was even half full members 2-3 had 40ish couple 30plus BUT THE MAJORITY WERE 20or less!!!! I don't need to whine coz i dont buy BUT AS FOR THE WC BLAH BLAH censored content due to minors etc POINT BEING WHERE DO DEVS FINK DEEZ YOOFS R GETTIN DEM CASH if der not remanded or on tag my guess is dey peckin dem parents heads for dollarz!!! I don't buy the nobility credits an if the free ones don't arrive ima not lost a ting!! (just remember they're not called nobs for nufin!!!) A Stinkin Ape time yous evolved some customer services instead of RIPPIN off the very ppl dat make kaw!! Sad when a spliff last longer dan 10£$€ on kaw!! Dont ya jus HaTE it tho
  2. Dang... I do hate dat doe..
  3. This post gave me cancer
  4. I contracted Down syndrome reading this
  5. Ahh someone give me a gun
  6. Yeh I totally agree the monkeys should eat beans on toast.
  7. I could feel a chromosone slip away...
  8. This is a work of art

  9. All that terrible English, but you remember to capitalise the HTE in hate?
  10. Kids beware- WARNING ️. This is what taking LSD does to your mind. You think you become the Dali Lama.
  11. ? I'm confused, can't understand terrible English
  12. Inspiring
  13. Its because the devs only like canadians
  14. Lmao this dude is a Down syndrome road man from England.
  15. Try reading backwards. Can't be worse.
  16. I am a firm believer in the art of not spending money. Yet.
  17. Thanks that made it a bit better.