Hte and Rotwb

Discussion in 'Wars' started by Teddy-Bear, Feb 24, 2015.

  1. I don't like posting in forums. Too much hatred. But honestly, farm me, strip me, clean me out. I don't care. I'm Here To Talk About SOMETHING We ALL Know Too well.


    Now, this Epic Battle has been out for a long time now. Wasn't bad within the first month of having it. 2 months, pushing it. But this long? I heard it was supposed to a "promo". This game has been gaming down the drain ever since that Epic Battle came out. Little players have rotwb, but that's a good Kickstart eb. Kaw could actually get some good out of that eb. But haunting the escape has defiantly changed everything.

    It's hard to find good clans out there (Not saying there arnt any. I have been to some amazing clans) but now a days, most people are like "oh this eb just dropped me a seal. Time to run off and go to a hte clan and not decide to help EVERYONE in the clan who helped me receive this seal, of which I didn't have to pay for".

    No. I'm not butthurt. I'm not crying. Say what you want. But what was suppose to be a promo, turned into a nightmare (for players my around my size or smaller).

    Another thing hte has screwed us on, is BC. Do you realize, with hte being around lands and buildings are bound to rack up gold. Last time I heard, it cost like 50 trill to BC. Seriously? The reason they make the prices so high, is because the devs will make people want to BC faster, therefore, anyway to make actual gold in the game, is to do hte. Of which you have spend REAL money on.

    The devs need some type of profit. I realize this. But to make your profit off the 1 and only thing us players have to grow with, is causing this game to crash down. Where's the fun when I'm getting pinned by 10 mill cs giants out there all because they decided to drop 20 seals. It's their money. They can do what they want. But the only way for anybody my size to be able to compare to him, I'd have to buy seals, hit hte, and grow quickly, all the while he's also upgrading from hte.

    It's a repeated pattern done by most kaw players. It's time to take out hte. If not, them this game is gonna be losing alot of people. Which I would hate to see because I do love this game. It's quite fun and entertaining. But it sucks when everybody is sitting there acting like their cool because they spent $200 on this game to buy seals for quick upgrading.

    It's time for Haunting: The escape to make its exit out of kaw. And fyi: This is not a butt hurt account. This is me and my main, attempting to get rid of something destroying a good game.
  2. hte is teh devil.
  3. HTE isn't going anywhere unless devs come up with a way to make up for that lost.

    Although I do agree with you about HTE ruining certain aspects of KaW. But it's not being removed and most likely sticking around til the end of this game.

  4. 10/10 Really original never before heard of thread!... Not including the other 846 threads like this out there.
  5. Oh I figured plane. One of a kind. Then maybe the devs should catch a hint? Don't like what's said, hop of this thread and return to hitting hte.
  6. support of the removal of hte
  7. I get what you mean, and agree with you... Except this won't happen, so what about slightly decreasing plunder from HTE? (Yes, I am in a b2b hte clan. So what? I still can complain about hte right?)
  8. Oh I support you but if the devs haven't payed attention to the high quantity of hte complaints then I doubt they ever will. It's too much of a profit to them and they won't be able to pay maintenance for there Bugattis if hte stops.
  9. For all the noobies that don't know how hte started. 2 summers ago we had different promos for every eb. Double bush triple battle royal. And sometimes triple haunt. The community complained so much that the devs added it as a payed eb.

    Their will not be a way to remove it without another way to make the devs money. If anything its the community's fault.

    Good day
  10. Cut out the hte . However , put the option in to make lands and buildings available to be purchased with gold and real money .

  11. No
  12. The devs could increase the amount of gold received for exchanging nobs, to counteract the removal of HTE. I currently get 4bil for 15nobs, meaning I get 16bil for the same amount of nobs as a seal. So, I propose the value of nob->gold exchange be increased 7x-10x more than it's current value
  13. OP want to fix the problem? Stack up on pots and pick a B2B HTE clan. Maybe get some friends and start farming it. HTE clans usually get disbanded soon if you can farm them with 5+ accounts.
  14. Dude shut up and just play the game, noob.
  16. Freemium games my friend. Get over it.
  17. It's the same thing... Buying seals=gold, so there's no point.
  18. Jon your so threatening seeming your in a btb hte clan. Just another hte fairy.
  19. Ooooorrr or just hear me out here

    We take the make it so you can't purchase seals and make it also so if there's a seal it goes in to a clan invotory of seals so it can't be used anywhere else and is not specifically dropped to one player that way making the less common
  20. Not the same thing, we least seals you still have to play the game and hit.

    Although this is already allowed by using 15nobs at the oracle for gold. No hits required.