how's everyone?

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by hypertoast, Oct 30, 2013.

  1. Just seeing how all u kawers are doing  tell me what ur up too and stuff pls 
  2. Ow damn unlucky mate 
  3. Useless ****. no need for threads like this.
  4. FWB- not with people like you flaming on it

    OP- LoL marathon planned :D hbu?
  5. School- specifically science.
  6. hypertoast? :|

    ...anyway. i am getting a "new" 10 year old car today.
  7. Taking a crap
    Feels good man
  8. what that guy said. An Smoking a blunt
  9. I hate when people talk to me on the toilet. Thats how i see you when you tell me that.
  10. Now I'm sitting in a chair
    Feels good man
  11. Brushing my teeth now.