How to win a Seal of the Damned outside of KaW (true story)

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by Celeborn_1, Sep 20, 2013.

  1. Some of you guys may know that the Android mobile operating system names all its versions after different kinds of candy (Jellybean et al.)

    Well, the upcoming version is called KitKat, and they actually cross-promote Android with Nestlé, the makers of said tasty chocolate bar.

    Today, I bought one of these, and it had a code for an online contest on it. After entering that code, I won a 5Eur voucher for Google Playstore! I used it to buy exactly 60 (50 10) nobilities which was just enough for a Seal of the Damned. That's kind of awesome - I got both tasty candy and a seal to provide another round of Super Haunts to my clan! All of that for just about 80 Euro cents.
  2. Awesome, that's smart.
  3. Katkat. Ft
    I love them.

    In japan they have wasabi kitkats and i want one terribly.
  4. Did the wrapper have any markes on the front like win google play money or anything like that and is it in usa or out side countries
  5. Going to buy a kit kat now!!! :)
  6. Wasabi KitKats? Nah. It's their green tea KitKats that are awesome.
  7. Cool!
  8. I used my seal when it wasn't supposed to be used... :( first kaw problems
  9. Bad news guys, KaW just found a way to justify their prices for the seals.
  10. I think this is the first post I have seen by kaw_admin on another persons thread.
  11. Lol smart guy you are.
  12. @Focus Here in Germany, only the regular Kit Kat bars have the codes, while Chunky etc. don't. Those with the codes have the little green android on the front. Today I bought another one and didn't win, but I'll probably try again. You can also win a Nexus tablet (nice, Yet another alt ).
  13. Kaw_admin in a thread that he didn't post. Haven't seen that in a while.
  14. When we rarely discover a way to get free stuff
  15. now we watch as the seal is worth another two nobs tomorrow -_-