How to use the buttons -- what they do (iDevise)

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by *-Arrowhead- (01), Aug 1, 2011.

  1. Hi, I'm going to show you what the buttons do and where they are located.


    This is your home page, this is basically the main control room of your kingdom.


    This is the setting button. It controls push notifications. You can disable it if needed.


    This is your news, wall, and PMs. You can also access your wall through your profile.


    This is the battle list. There are more buttons here I will be showing you. You can find members, attack players, steal from players, etc.


    This is quests. You can go from easy quests, to extremely hard quests. There are buttons in here I will be showing later.


    The profile is were you can access your wall, see your stats, your allies, your items, your achievements etc. I will not be showing pictures for that.


    Have a complaint but don't have an email? Want to tell the devs how they or doing, or how you feel about the game? This is where to tell them :) Remember, you only get 90 characters :evil:


    Forums. You already have seen how to get there if you are reading this thread. No need to explain the buttons here.


    This is where the best of the best players end up. The only leader board player who never bought a single pro pack on here is Metallicana. People say the top players buy their way to the top.


    This is the help button were you can view the ToU, learn the point of the game, and other topics. Here is normally only gone for the ToU.


    The home button is to get to the main screen. The first picture you see. It is a go-to place if you don't know where you are. You have this button no matter where you are in-game, with the exception of the chat(s)


    This is your kingdom button, on the same bottom bar as the home button. this is to view your land, make a building/upgrading a building, or buy a land.


    This is your clan button. To view your clan page tap this button. It is on the same bar as the kingdom and home.


    Want an ally? Well, this is the ally tab were you can view your allies, and search for new ones. Allies give good bonuses such as strength and plunder.


    The market is were you can buy pots, exchange your nobility/crystals for gold or full troops, a name change. You can also buy pro packs, crystals, and nobility also.


    You have now just clicked your battle list and here is what you see. These are players you can attack/steal/scout/assassinate. Beware: attacking can cause drama.


    Looking for a specific player? Use this to find them. You must have the exact name correct.


    Attacking. You send in your troops to get as much gold as possible. The less troops you have, the bigger chance of losing you have.


    Be sneaky, stealthy, undetectable. If not, your spies will be killed. Steal their gold without a trace, assassinate their men without suspicion it's you, scout them to see their defense strength before sending in your troops.


    You've gone through your entire list and no one is weak enough for you. Hit refresh to find a new list of kingdoms, waiting to be invaded by you.


    So you're finished destroying people's kingdoms? Not a problem, tap the quest button to find a whole list of quests. Complete certain ones to find crystals, and the 2% chance of a nobility.


    Next to the quest is this button. Tap it to attempt the quest. Once completed multiple times, continue to the next one.


    Is your quest list to long for you to find the one you're at? Tapping this will hide all the quests you have completed. Tap it again to reveal them.

    These are the basic buttons of kaw, I hope you learned something. Be sure to read all the stickied threads around here for all info about kaw's mechanics. I hope the pictures helped. Bye!
  2. Did you zoom and crop?
  3. Good newbie thread. Finally a person working toward becoming a vet!
  4. Yes. You did not read it that fast...
  5. I've seen this several times...but it's ok I guess..
  6. Oh my god

  7. Good job!

    I'm assuming this because Martyn said so, I only looked at the pictures.
  8. Thanks

    Sticky, you are the only one fail trolling
  9. Great Job!
  10. Device*

    Nice job
  11. You need some spies.
  12. And a better Wifi connection..

    And charge your battery.

  13. That's what pots are for.

    Thanks for all the support, though!!
  14. "working towards becoming a vet"
  15. Nice first guide there golden 

     why's Bluetooth on if your not connected to anything?
  16. Not too necessary, but it's pretty :) so nice job buddy.
