It has come to my attention that I must receive advice from the community, knowledge from the advice, and growth and security from the knowledge. My issue involves the use of alternate accounts, the tactics used with alternate accounts, and my main concern: The type of build between multiple accounts. (My definition of multiple: Having or involving more than one. - That means it could very possibly be two.) Supposing I have two accounts, how would I go about to make the most out of them? (Gold-wise and PvP-wise.) I currently am operating with two Guild Hansels. I understand that Guild Hansels generate great plunder from troops and also possess the ability to fight defensively in PvP. This is the reason why I have decided to work with two Guild Hansels. However, I am unsure of any other tactics, strategies, and ways to function with different builds other than a Guild Hansel. As stated above, I want to: A.) Generate gold FAST and in large QUANTITY B.) Hold a PvP account that is DEFENSIVE and able to become INVULNERABLE TO STRIPS. My plan at first was to keep a Guild Hansel handy for funds and cash, while having a Tower Build to counter any threats - (thus able to hold onto allies bought from my Guild Hansel, with an impenetrable defence.) I also had another idea in mind; keep the Guild Hansel, but switch out the Tower Build with empty lands, BA equipment, and allies bought from the Guild Hansel safely tucked away where small accounts couldn't win, and big accounts couldn't hit. I think the first design is favorable with gold, since the Tower Build could also be smashing those tasty EBs. The latter seems more defensive, seeing as most players (without deep pockets...) will not drop to near 0 stats. This is where YOU - Yes, YOU with the sweet ideas and glorious schemes should assist me in my quest to succeed in KaW. How can I squeeze the most out of two accounts? I desire to know and understand more about different builds and their mechanics - and how to use them within dual accounts. I ache to know and understand more about how to survive against strips, and above all - know and understand how to PRODUCE GOLD AND KEEPING IT SAFE. (Yes... Greed got to me as well. :mrgreen: ) Indeed I am a newer player compared to most players within the Kingdoms at War community, and I may not know much -- But I believe my thread deserves the same dignity and regard as a player who has been around long enough to type an adored thread - and someone who will answer my questions - as a result improving my knowledge and understanding of the game. After all, that is what a gaming forum is for, yes?
What is a strip bank? Why should I hold a strip bank? Thank you for your response, Altitude. I do not understand how that type of build will prevent strips?
You don't believe me? Talk to some older forumers. I could list some names, but I'm not sure how active they are.
I see. I must try this build, some time. Thank you for your responses! @iMaster How do I use the specific Spragga Build?