How to upgrade thrown room equipment

Discussion in 'Questions/Feedback' started by xlI_l7lShadesofHades_IssIl_Ilx, Sep 12, 2018.

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  1. How do I upgrade the equipment in the thrown room and the rooms to right and left? How do we get that stuff required?
  2. You upgrade the stuff, by pressing (and hold) on the item.
    There you can upgrade and dismantle stuff. When dismantling you will get the required items to upgrade.
    Equipment is within the (free) boxes.

  3. The upgradable furniture (not all furniture is upgradable), you select whichever piece you want to upgrade, goto owned tab, select the piece you want to upgrade by holding down. Once details of that piece is up, select upgrade, you will then see what and how much is needed to upgrade that piece.

    To get upgrade pieces needed you will have to dismantle other pieces of furniture, which you follow same steps except instead of selecting upgrade you would select the button that says dismantle, then press and hold down the dismantle button (once dismantled you can not get that piece of furniture back). This will give you some of the pieces needed, there is always one piece (unique to that particular furniture piece) that is needed that will have to come only from dismantling a piece of furniture of the same as your looking to upgrade. Ex: if your looking to ug your throne you would need x amount red lumber, yellow sandstone, blue ingot, and x amount of cushions (the cushion will have to come from dismantling another throne). You can also get the Red lumber, yellow sandstone, and blue ingot via trading.
  4. Information has been provided.

    Locking this thread now.
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