Hello my name is well actually im not telling you my but well anyway this is your lesson on training your pet cat LETS BEGIN! STEPBuy your cat at the refugee store STEPFeed your cat preferably dog food STEPGive your cat a bath make sure you put the bath water very high then put the cat under the water for atleast an hour MAKE SURE YOU DO NOT PULL IT OUT WITHIN THE HOUR AS IT MAY SURVIVE DROWNING STEPTeach your cat to go to the toilet if it doesnt and its a boy get it some naughty little cat magazines if you get my drift STEPBefore it gets bloody HUMONGEUSS shoot the bloody thing There is one more thing that is recommended if it has babies put all cats(including original) in box and throw into river there we go solved Thank you for coming to docter lord cutters wait woops said my name hey bloody hell
I saw your 1pt text, it reads I'm afraid to say that 14 cats were harmed in this test, and 23 were killed.