How To Train Your Bunchie

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by llR_-I-_Pll_Delta_llR_-I-_Pll, Aug 24, 2013.

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  1. Hai der,

    As a forumer reading this you have probably seen the scary crazy powerfullness of the bunchie.

    In this thread you shall learn what it is, why it is so awwwsum and the ten ways in which it can humiliatingly kill you :p

    WHAT IS A BUNCHIE :?: :?:
    A creature with four legs and an elongated neck. Also Capable of attaining high speeds while galloping.




    umadbro? if you don't see why they are so awesome please stop reading

    10 ways in which they can kill you
    1 - If they look at you you die

    2 - If you breathe they take your air from you
    3 - their farts are nuclear
    4 - You're dead already, the rest of the reasons are just other bunchies incase you didnt die already.. PREPARE YESELF
    5 [​IMG]

    6 [​IMG]

    7 [​IMG]

    8 [​IMG]

    9 [​IMG]

    10 [​IMG]


    bai bai
  2. PS You can't train bunchies HA!
  3. I died.... :cry:
  4. But delta. How do I train them???? :eek:
  5. They are liers! And ugly. :(
  6. Bad naughty bunchies grrrr
    then again my dog is immune to these effects...
  7. The truth is..
    Only I can train them, everyone else dies
  8. Forget it.
  9. awww here comes fluffy now. How are you widdle pooky wootsie.

  10. A whole lot of stupid in this thread...
  11. Lock because epilepsy
  12. [​IMG]

    The truth is that this thread is meant to be stupid :p
  13. Mission accomplished
  14. How can you own a bunchi?
    Wouldn't it kill you??! :O
  15. No, it was an attempt to remake a stickied thread. Since you're gay for bunchies, you decided to throw them as the focal point on this thread. It wasn't meant to be stupid, you're just realizing that no one gives a ****.

    This is the thread I've been waiting for.

    Forever. <3
  17. Yes "Kandi" I pixel love you too.
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