How to steal some ones clan.

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by Aries, Sep 12, 2012.

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  1. Well many people are asking me how am I stealing clans so easily.

    To steal a clan you have to be very smart and crafty.

    So for example I'll show you what I have done to, 2 clans already within 24 hours.

    Step one
    is find a clan that's struggling or has a noob as the owner.

    Step 2
    Applie to the clan and follow the owner of the clan.

    Step 3
    When accepted participate in epic battle or what ever that clan does.

    Step 4
    Try to convince owner to transfer you owner.

    (What I say is "hey I want to try I out this trick on your clan,sadly it requires owner. If doesn't work I'll volley you or any Allie to 10bill I'll keep the Allie".)

    Step 5
    Now that you have owner kick every member except for admins and the old owner. De rank every member in the clan to member.

    Step 6
    Try to have them hire your Allies them give it back, sell clan, or disband.

    Thanks for reading please enjoy and try to steal your own clans.

    -swag out :D
  2. You don't have to be smart at all. For example, you do it all the time, yet use "Allie" instead of "Ally".
  3. Yay! Thank you now comes the "stealing of clans era"!
  4. Until the owner decided to farm you or has big friends and they farm you........
  5. Please tell me what you think.

    Also I have this clan for sale read clan info for details.
  6. I lolled so hard at the "11811181 guy" lol
  7. Either way you still end up with their clan.
  8. @You thanks for telling me that I'll make sure to use ally next time.
  9. So, you lie to an innocent person just trying to learn their way in kaw? Wow! Please tell me how to be more dishonest in my life! 

    It must make you feel very good and "smart" to so "craftily" steal a clan.

    You're a sad person. 
  10. Not lieing that is the trick.

    If I were to lie I would have said a trick to make more gold for every eb.
  11. Sorry I don't carry much gold on me sorry for the person stealing .
  12. What is the trick you want show him? Obviously, he thought it would benefit his clan. But really, the trick is that you want to kick all his members, or disband his clan. This is deceiving him, which is a form of lying.

  13. Someone is stealing you? Good for them. Hopefully you'll think twice before trying to come on forums trying to make yourself sound "very smart" and "crafty" for the attention of a few. Remember that there are people in this game with GREAT hearts. You big.. Butthead 
  14. Oh geez that was not a swear word  weird  it was a playful, childish insult. 
  15. Hehehe... Childish insults are the most effective.
  16. The person thinks it benefits them.
    You just answered my question thanks I have never said this trick will benefit you.
  17. Lmao.

    That last "playful, childish insult" has made me laugh for 3 minutes straight, no apparent reason given.
  18. You still deceive them into giving up ownership by offering compensation for the failed "trick".
  19. But, if they are handing over owner, obviously you are originally nice enough to make them think the obvious. (the obvious being, this person is my friend who wants to help me). What part of that is the "truth" at all?

    Remember, a half truth is still half a lie.
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