Hello I'm making this guide real quick to explain how to report player statuses that are in an opposing clan in your clan chat example "#3 Still Strong 9 3/5 Full 5" 1. Let's begin picking it apart let's start with "#3 Still Strong 9 3/5 Full 5" this means the third person down on there roster (if in war the third person down on there active war members list) 2. Onward "#3 Still Strong 9 3/5 Full 5" this would indicate the current status of the player it will either be "Still Strong" or "To Weak" indicating weather or not the player is pinned 3. "#3 Still Strong 9 3/5 Full 5" Ok the third thing to include when you post this to clan chat is how many pots the other player used when you hit them. 4. "#3 Still Strong 9 3/5 Full 5" this is a-little confusing for some people I really don't understand why the first number is how many hits you made that were successful then the "/" and the second number is the total hit attempts 5. "#3 Still Strong 9 3/5 Full 5" This is the starting amount of troops you had before you started hitting some people put the number of troops they had but I think its better represented if you put "Full", "Half", "Few", or something along those lines. 6. And last but not least "#3 Still Strong 9 3/5 Full 5" this shows how many pots you used during the attacks not to important but still needed I hope this helps you all in and out of war when your clan has to deal with another Please let me know what you think Credits: Me
Decent guide, nice work just a FYI, many of those "to's" in your guide should be replaced with "too". Not necessary, but always nice to read a guide with the best grammar possible
That's still a bit long...try #4 3/5 10d nw #4 refers to number on roster 3/5 refers to number of successful hits/total attempts 10d refers to 10 defense pots (or sd, if you spied nw is not weak...ie able to be hit if you spied the 3/5 would be 3/5 assass/steal/scout if too weak nw would become pin.
Anything related to you is useless really. Like how many troops you had or pots you used. Other people targeting them wouldn't have need for that info
However, the number on roster cam be used interchangably with a shorthand of their name, because on a iPod you can see war roster but on a pc you can only see the entire clan roster. Plus, ranks change, names typically don't
standard msg in a war is to report # in roster w/total & np vs. p for "not pinned" vs "pinned" ... shorthand is critical - no time to type a bunch of crap when your battling from the pin position (which is how it should be done)
I don't agree with the #3 thing because if someone joins in as you type it your #3 could be #4 it's shorter button presses to use like the forts 3 letters like "mav" just something to think about....