Discussion in 'Wars' started by IlI_Fuzzy_Piranha_IlI, Apr 30, 2013.

  1. As all kawers know at start of ee wasnt big difference between equips stats of players contributing in wars. But this changed a lot in last weeks .... :!:

    Devs dont count equips stats to matchups ... and this could make disbalance.

    :?: How to remove problem with BFE (bonus from equips) during wars????


    Very easy: after sign up should be EQUIPing/UNEQUIPing CLOSED .... same as we cant BUILD after matchup .....

    ... so if someone sign up naked then will be naked during war ....
    ... enchant could remain .... coz i think its suicide enchant before or during war....

    = this is fair for all, just FREEZE equips during wars .....

    btw did you saw in real life that someone is dress up during war? no, army is prepared for war and only fight.....
  2. Okay OP calm down, it's a game not real war.
    If devs count BFE into matchups their will be a TON of more mismatches.
  3. btw i think this could help clans with no-matchups when are overpowered ... they will be able easy stay naked to get matchup :) lol

    BFE have same effect as BFA....
  4. Yeah but its not fair to those who spent all the time and mith to get their equipment
  5. this wont make more mismatches, it only count equips to matchup and matching will be more accurate .....

    you think its better get bad matchup than no-matchup ?
  6. I wouldn't say it was much of a problem. Bfe is only noticeable when hitting ebs IMO
  7. I do think the BFE imbalance is an important issue. That being said I think the new scorpion gear has helped level the playing field some, and I would not be in favor of equipment being locked on. I tend to switch equipment during war: one set for when I'm standing tall, and a different set for when I have to sko.
  8. So we spend all this time doing EE wars to earn mith, turning that mith into the sweetest equip available, but can't use it to war with?!?  What would be the point of getting it?
  9. That's not what he's saying. He's saying equipment should be considered during matchup... No support :D
  10. Ok fair enough. Did he just suggest that armies war naked though? Body armour? Guns? Helmets? Any of these ring any bells? 
  11. Hey Rylan. Know what youre thinking here as I am warring with you LOL.
    But indeed, bfe is turning out to be quite an issue for a lot of people who just joined in ee
    Bfe, like bfa, is static stats and it does A LOT of contribution to making a matchup fair or not. This especially comes to be a one-sided war when there are multiple/large amounts of high bfe accs in a clan. The "real" matchup stats are low-yet they can hit like monsters.

    My suggestion is to add in bfe into matchmaking, with the HIGHEST total equipment stats counting as the ones added to matchmaking.
    BUT, instead of adding in the full amount, take the equipment stats and x 50%.
    This way, matchmaking will be more fair as 50% of the equipment stats are added in, and at the same time players who have spent their mith still benefit from doing so as theyre still at a 50% advantage.

    Example: XXXXXX has a total of 120 million in the highest stat equipment of all the slots.
    60million is added to match making.

    Personal thoughts, lol. Have fun KaWing :D
  12. All this would do is punish people who earnt equipment
    It's like saying lets make everything totally even scrap BFA and BFE and have it purely kingdom vs kingdom. Sounds good?
    Destroys years / months of effort put in by some players.
    Best way equip your warriors with the best equipment going. Do ebs and allow small war players to do it. Otherwise your fundamentally changing half the mechs of war.
    If allies and equipment and highlands and t4/5 had never been implemented it would of resulted in a more stable war system. As things are we work around what we have for better or worse.

    Plus that's not even going into adding BFE into the equation would just result in more no matches due to a yet more complex algorithm that would Have a giddy fit trying to match clans around all the criteria thrown at it.

  13. If you're suggesting merely to include BFE in match making process (not how I read the OP, but irrelevant), then I must say it could only help. Although at our end I doubt it'd change many/any matches, certainly clans like the worms and PoC with low stats but mega equipment it'd make a significant difference.
  14. The op has a very valid point. The developers made the equipment way too strong imo, individual pieces of equipment afford more in stats than several trillions in allies, to discount equipment stats in match up actually makes match up more unbalanced than to discount bfa...
  15. Some players change equipment during the wars and through out hits to better the chance of success. No support.
  16. Obviously no support
  17. I still don't see how clans do it they don't do out I don't do it because devs even stated it lol I just laugh at them lol (they can't read) lol
  18. I agree with this principle.
  19. Or just take it all off before hand to fight like a pimp with no clothes or weapons
  20. To further clarify, I support including all types of attack/defense/spy attack/spy defense in match up decisions. Frankly, there is no legitimate basis for saying it shouldn't be included in match-up decisions. When clans are truly matched up evenly (taking into account true total clan strength and numbers) then clan strategy is what wins the war.

    Of course, people seldom want to give up an advantage so I take protests against ensuring better match-ups with a grain of salt.