How to raise my stats?

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by arodrulz2, Oct 20, 2011.

  1. What should I start building?
  2. Build t3's, then t4's, duh.
  3. Oh. At your stats?

    Convert your T3 to T4 :p
  4. Don't forget guilds! Guilds are good!
  5. Stayblehz give yuh 112,000,000,000 atahk per troohp
  6. Btw, he's close to T4. His stats are around 600k comb.
  7. I have 1m combined
  8. Also, do you guys think I should go hansel, or not?
  9. Yes, you should go hansel.
  10. Would you know of anyone who could help me become hansel?