How to prepare for pvp?

Discussion in 'Questions/Feedback' started by KingBrex, Nov 6, 2015.

  1. What is best way to be good at pvp in your weight class? Like say two 120mil CS kingdoms going at it. What decides a successful attack/steal?

    1 - bonus from allies
    2 - bonus from equipment
    3 - mithril/clan($) buffs
    4 - towers
    5 - attacking with full army

    Anything I'm missing?

    Considering the 5 year old accounts with +10 gears, 20 tril gold in allies, and credit card buffs.

    What would be my first step into being successful in pvp? As free to play, all I can do is farm people who are open to attack. Now that's the pvp I thirst for!
  2. Using full attack and/or spy attack potions, and likewise being loaded up on the same (defense/spy defense potions) is vital pvp preparation you forgot here.

    Using mithril buffs isn't necessary for just general brawling in my opinion.
    Also, anyone who picked up the Pro packs and so on have additional items that give slight boosts to stats.

    If you're a primary attack-oriented build, then getting a successful scout in should tell you your odds with and without defense items, so might help.

    Also, this is my opinion: Towers aren't really worth it until you're done growing for the most part.
  3. So a check list would be.....?

    Stock up on potions and scout people. if it's unsuccessful, move on?

    What do hybrid build do?
  4. You originally asked, "What is best way to be good at pvp in your weight class?"
    There's different types of PvP. What kind of PvP do you want to be good at, and what is your objective?
    You can run into people in your "weight class" off of the battle list, and you can participate in clan wars and individual wars.

    If you want to be "good at PvP" in regard to the battle list, what does "good at PvP" mean to you? If it is just being profitable / making gold while doing Player versus Player, then investing in (and using) potions wouldn't be for you, you would want to be heavily skewed towards either attack or spy attack on your buildings, and only hit a few times in a row on any one person from full troop or spy bar (never going below half of a bar). If you're stealing, then you would only want to repeat action against an account if you "easily infiltrated the enemy's stronghold," and stop on being thwarted by enemy guards, or just a normal success (since you were lucky). If you were "discovered by a wandering villager," then it's polite to switch targets, but not necessary. The same goes for attacks, so it's about picking your targets based off of what combined stats you see compared to what you have. Some will be hidden by equipment and allies, but you don't really need to start accounting for that until the higher tiers. Don't forget to max your plunder from allies if you're attacking.

    Alternatively, potion usage is encouraged if you're operating during a PvP event like the blitz this weekend, since you'll want to protect your event currency from being lost, and be successful when attacking/stealing on your end. Additionally, spy attack and attack potions enable you to break through on your weaker side that you only have 1-3 troop/spy buildings for. It's not profitable long term, but for events it is fine. Using mithril would be really going all out due to the difficulty to obtain the material.

    Maybe you don't believe in fair play, and want to find a profitable (weak but decent stats and payout) person to target from the battle list, then specifically search them afterwards to farm (attack/steal repeatedly) until you upgrade your stats to the point where you have to find new targets. If this is the case, look for more than one person, as their troop/spy levels, as well as gold amount, might go down to the point of receiving the "defender too weak" message. If you run into that issue but don't have a secondary / tertiary target, your troops/spies will go to waste now, won't they? The danger with operating like this (as it is tempting due to the incoming being more stable and higher than rotating), is that you're much more likely to get return hits from the account, the account's friends or alternate accounts, the account's clan members, and maybe even the account's alliance members. Without strong friends and comrades to back you up, it could easily turn into a 1 vs. Many situation. Some people enjoy being enough of a pest to merit this, while still being not worth the mass attention otherwise, while others become discouraged when this happens to them.

    If you're just looking to grief someone, and stripping isn't an option, potion burning (that is, attacking and using non-scout spy actions to go through an enemy's defense potion and spy defense potion stocks) is an alternative. Additionally, if you can figure out when they are usually active, attacking and assassinating them so they have to operate at decreased levels can work too.

    Maybe you just want to "win," by attacking someone until they are "Defender too weak," before moving on. Until you know exactly what you want out of PvP, giving a check list is difficult.
  5. Say for pvp blitz, I don't want to get trampled on by everyone in my weight class from the battle list. Is that specific enough?

    Would getting 1 big scary ally work?
  6. Geez Cor, what's with the wall of text? Why not let someone who understands the game answer? 
  7. All you need is a reliable osf to hit. These events are basically pwar.
  8. Find event clans and hit the ps and hansels
  9. "1 big scary ally" wouldn't be that useful (since only 2% of the stats are added to your actual stats. Also, it sounds like you don't have all of your equipment slots filled out, so you'll be competing with some people that do). Ideally, you'll have enough gold in allies that you'll always get your max plunder bonus when attacking - that is usually concentrated in 1-2 overpriced allies (so they won't be bought up). For the remaining 249+ slots, at least fill them with something from the 100,000 and lower club so you get some stats out of them. Every little bit of stats counts, you don't lose much (gold or stats) from them being bought, and you can find people to recruit to your clan as well as active accounts to volley up a few billion to get easy money.

    Towards a checklist, I'd have to put some thought and time into it and I've already lost quite a few hours of my day just sitting at my desk. The post I made before this one has plenty of decent advice for the event - read the paragraph where I discuss the blitz and the paragraph above. Of course, due to it being an event, you might get away with farming people who opted in but are too weak to stop you. The enemy might still retaliate en masse, but they might not be any grudges after the event is over. It's up to you.

    If other's haven't given good advice for the blitz when I get back, then I'll probably slap something together at that later point in time.
  10. He's looking for the PvP that he "thirsts for!" This means doing more than just hitting a friendly pure spy or hansel and actually rocking the boat a little. Yes, he'll get more seals without retaliation your way, but it wouldn't be the PvP he said he was looking for.