How To Post Pictures From PC

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by ImmortalFaZe_TDT, Feb 2, 2014.

  1. Hello KaW today i will be breaking out of my lazy shell and helping :mrgreen:

    So i will show you the full guide to posting and taking pictures on pc.


    Click the window you want to capture. Press Alt+Print Screen by holding down the Alt key and then pressing the Print Screen key. The Print Screen key is near the upper-right corner of your keyboard. (Depending on the type of keyboard you have, the exact key names on your keyboard may vary slightly.) (If you want to capture the whole screen just press the PrtSc.)


    Press Your Start Button and select paint


    Once you are in paint you will want to press Ctrl+V to Paste it in there like so



    You will go to file, press save as, and save with the name of your choice.



    You will go to (if you dont have an account you will have to make one,but it does not take long.) Once you are at photobucket home press "upload" then press choose photos and videos,and select the picture.



    You Will have to resize, in order to do this, once your picture is uploaded you will press "edit photos" select the picture.




    Once at the edit menu press resize. In the first box do 600 (the other box automatically fills in.) Press apply and save.



    Now once you are directed to the next page click the "img" link.



    Click back to KaW Forums and copy paste it in the post you want (or ctrl+v)

    So, it may seem like a lot of steps, but it is actually pretty simple.

    So please leave feedback tell me what needs to be changed/put in and have a great KaW day :)

    For more info on photobucket/resizing here viewtopic.php?f=3&t=141392

    Disclaimer * I don't know how to do this on mac*
  2. Seems tricky
  3. But GJ
  4. Thx man took a while, had to do all those steps a lot lol.
  5. Can't you just find a picture and copy link then post it in forums that's what I do 
  6. This is for your own ss on your computer.
  7. I know, but you should add that way too 
  8. AWWWW thread going bye bye :(
  9. This is really over complicated. Just copy the img URL and put it into BB syntax and you're good. Photobucket not necessary.
  10. I knew how to ss on PC, never handled photobucket. But nice job regardless 
  11. @sonder this is for screen captures from computer. Not off web
  12. Lazy way. If you have Gyazo:
    1. Use it to screen shot whatever
    2. When it opens the picture, right click and select 'Copy Image Link'/'Copy Address' or whatever copies the image url.
    3. Copying the actual URL at the top will not work UNLESS it says one of these >

    And any other image extensions.
    Next go to KaW
    Use the bb code

    This has nothing to do with OPs thread
    [url=][/url] [/

    Enjoy the failed img ^
  13. Go to the link to see the img lol
  14. GJ!! Will help alot of new guys. :)
  15. Or you can press printscreen button, then go to imgur (google imgur if you don't know what this is) and then press CTRL V ;)
  16. But what if you want to crop it?