how to make leaderboard?

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by lIIlIllI___PARSFAN___lIlIlIIl, Jul 23, 2013.

  1. I am looking to see how far away i am from making the leaderboard i do understand there are a number of deciding factors but would appreciate if a few guys could post what number they are at on the battles list and there number of battles , also for the valuable kingdom what number they are and there worth and if it helps any body else i am ranked 7694 on allies list with combined allie stats of
    5mill att
    4.8mill deff
    1.5 mill s att
    1.5 mill s def
    i am simply trying to get a rough idea of how far away i am from being ranked any help is appreciated
  2. Play the game.
  3. im hlbc and unranked, its based on att won, allies n valuable stats alone mean nothing
  4. Erm, about 1tril
  5. ~5tril valuable
    ~7mil att/def and 1mil spy att/def
    ~700k battles won
  6. Xtals = more actions + gold for allies
  7. i do understand that the more u play n upgrade the more likely u are to make leaderboard thanks for that informative advice but am simply trying to find fo example someone who is ranked in the bottom 2000 thousand so a can check there stats to give me and others something to aim for
  8. Division 2
  9. I'm at 125k battles won and still unranked
  10. Unranked* LOL
  11. thanks spy thats the type of info i am after
  12. I'm hlbc-1 just over 200k wins and ranked 4500
  13. Overall im rank 6,981
    Battles is 2,042.

    It can take years to climb up the high ranks.
    If i hadnt done my 3 resets bonuses and that untimely build change to guild/stable hansel for fun 5 months ago id be BC.
  14. great info guys i think i am further away than i thought . i made allie leaderboard and thought i must be close but seems not that close
  15. I'm at 128,955 battles won and am unranked, I think you need around 140k but I'm not too sure.
  16. A year ago when I had 1 trill Allies I was about rank 1800. So for the Allie LB I'd say about 5-20 trill for the LB
  17. Stats, allies, wins, you also need to buy all the pro packs to get on leaderboard
  18. To make top 500 ally LB currently you need right around 200mil combined BFA... Around 10T in allies give or take. Top 200 or top 50 would take far, probably far far, more. GL
  19. Your about 20T and 300k wins away from top 200