how to make fast gold

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by XX_ASSASSIN_XX, Nov 17, 2012.

  1. Can someone tell me how to make fast gold??
  2. Read my amazing guide:

    How to Win
  3. Hit the battle list son!!!!
  4. Lock this thread already, please keep this kinda stuff In world chat lots of love admin wannabe TFB haha xxx
  5. Stick to The Forgotten Ones for a week or so then move on to Reckoning then do some Hauntings.
  6. Ask redstar to buy u xtals
  7. Once u are big enough [state wise] to hit hauntings with np then find a clan that does b2B hauntings in 2-3 hours as long as u r fairly active in each e.b 10-20 bill a day earnings r easy to obtain
  8. Yes scroll leaderboard top 50 and ask them all on their wall to give you free gold. They usually help the little guys grow big
  9. They will give you free gold(maybe) all you have to do is wall all of them with a good story of why you deserve the gold the
  10. Email the devs and ask for it