How To Make A Thread.

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by llR_-I-_Pll_Delta_llR_-I-_Pll, Nov 18, 2012.

  1. Click New Post.

    Write Your Thread.

    Make a Title.

    Write Your Title.

    Click Post.

    Do's and Don'ts:

    Do Write a few words.

    Do Make it Amazing.

    Do press post not cancel.

    Don't complain it didn't work if you did press cancel.

    Don't troll yourself.

    Don't mention bunchies, unicorns or omnicorns unless you have a professional understanding of tree huggers.

    Don't post questions, ask them in dilly's question thread.


    Do reset if we ask you to.

    Don't reset if you are HLBC an we ask you to.

    Don't be a fail troll.

    Do join gullible school (a clan) if you want to know how to be a troll.

    Don't try and be too big for your loafers.

    Don't jump off the Eiffel tower.

    There you go, that is how to make a thread and some do's and Don'ts of forums, if you have any more do's and Don'ts, post below.


    Happy KaWing or Happy Quitting :)
  2. Do : If youre making a thread post it in the relevant section for one. For number two, at least make a guide that will be of any benefit.

    Congratulations on your antiguide.
  3. Yea, this is a good anti-guide.

    ANTI-STICKY! :lol:
  4. Don't encourage these noob infested forums to make threads...

    How this is in anyway funny, really beats me.
  5. You are obviously bored
  6. [​IMG]

    :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
  7. Type*