How To Help Your Clan Win War

Discussion in 'Wars' started by DLack33, May 27, 2012.

  1. How Best to help your clan win a war

    Many members now days enter a war not ever having even attacked another member of KAW in their life, just an EB. Here's my 7 helpful thoughts on war, hope they help clarify some things and help you win one of your future wars!

    • 1: Always stack up on defense and spy defense pots! Depending on how long the war is, and how much you can be on. The more you are on, the less you need.
    • 2: BUY ATTACK POTS! Probably most important, you will be no good if you can't earn money!
    • 3: Don't join war if you can't be on! Doesn't matter if you make 10Billion if you lose 11Billion!
    • 4: If you are on, keep troops below 20%! Don't regenerate! They can't hit you if you are under 20%. If they can't hit you, they can't win.
    • 5: IT DOESN'T MATTER IF YOU HAVE GOLD OR NOT! Even if you have ZERO gold out, they can still attack you and earn just as much gold as they would if you have 20Billion out. But for your own sake, after you earn money, buy more pots, that way you don't run out as fast, or if you have leftovers after war you can sell them.
    • 6: Kicking members does not save more money then if they just left. The war tax stays, the other 60% of the money they earned goes away.
    • 7: Be on as much as you POSSIBLY can. And have fun.

    Additional information:

    For 12hour Skirmish
    • The strongest clan with most active members will most likely win the war. I would not challenge this "Skirmish" if you have any important members who have different time zones, as one or more of your members could miss almost all or all of war.

    For 24hour Battle
    • The clan who is most dedicated will win, unless if you are hopelessly outgunned. But if your members are all active and self-pinning, you should win.

    For 48hour war
    • If evenly matched clan, those who sleep the least will win. End of story. Caffeine seems to help

    Hope this helped, if so, please let me know would love to here your feedback.
  2. Needs alot more more work. Some mistakes too which needs to be corrected
  3. Ok first thread, my clan is having a war this Saturday and a whole bunch of ppl who don't know what's going on. Care to correct me on my mistakes please?
  4. This was made in a good 15 minutes and I had to look at BBC codes threads again.
  5. Thanks B, but like I said war this Saturday and don't expect all my members to read through all of that, this is just the basics my newer members need to know.
  6. Nice beginning guide  you'VE got potential. Here's some idea- How MANY pots do you need? Tell that
  7. Decent. Not deserving of Trolling at least.
  8. Thanks Assassin. What do you think would be good pot to stats ratio? How many pots up (7,8,9) do you need based on your stats.
  9. Yeah not deserving trolling lol, whatever the heck that is
  10. This Saturday? In one week? I think that's more than enough time to read and absorb the information in his thread. An hour should be good enough.

    Your members can skip through much of it anyways as there's a lot of information that only owners and admin need to know. If you want to create a guide that only members need to know then that's a decent start. However there are some major points missing like communication and mythril gains in the war.

    In my opinion, it's best for everyone to read Wulf's thread. Even though there's a ton of information, you can choose what you want to read about or what you think is essential to read.
  11. Ok, well if they want to read Wulf's more detailed thread I don't mind. I'll probably update this later in the week and get it somewhere between this and Wulf', probably closer to this though
  12. I don't mean to shut you down DLack, I'm just a very opinionated person.  Probably a lot of people would like a thread about war that isn't quite so condensed. 
  13. Haha it's chill, not here to please though, these just the basics, I did leave out stuff about mac plunder though, but half my clan doesn't even know what that is, maybe I should make thread about that too?!? Lol jk
  14. YEAH DLACK!!!! WOOHOO!!!!!!
