how to grow

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by IXIXIX_DarksideZ_IXIXIX, Jul 10, 2014.

  1. How to grow fast plez need help
  2. Use 14 xtals per day and 20-30 seals on HTE.

    Also max nobility points and use for gold.

    You'll grow fast
  3. Fertilizer, broccoli, and prime rib.
    In that order.
  4. Push ups sit ups and lots of juice
  5. By juice he means anabolic steroids.
  6. It'll cost you a lot of money
  7. /lock please
  8. Yoh you aren't OP you can't request lock.
  9. Eat cake and watch the fat pile in your ass
  10. Hahahahahahahahahaha his name is poopy
  11. dont spam forums. Not getting farmed to reset will really help you grow ;)